Monday, September 17, 2012

First Post

はじめまして。 シワです。 どうぞ よろしく。
I chose to learn Japanese to learn a language I do not know.  Because it is very different from English hopefully it will exercise an unused part of my brain.  I also like to read まんが and the writers, なつめ そうせき (Kanji version?) and あくたがわ.  I am excited about learning how to read and speak better, and meeting my teachers and fellow classmates.  After my first 3 days of class, I find it difficult at times to differentiate between whether the ひらがな characters end in a hook, stop, or release. 
じゃあ、 また ね!


  1. はじめまして。 ストレフです。 ノトロダムの にほんごの だいがくせえです。 きょ べんきょ しますか。

    Hi I'm Alex Streff and I am taking first year Japanese at Notre Dame. We are also doing a blog project and were asked to view yours. You can see my blog at

  2. こんばんは!はじめまして。あやめです。どうぞよろしく。

    I have never heard of either of those writers... What are your favorite titles by them?
